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Repair complete - UB7 - West Drayton

Tuesday 5th December 2023


No water / Low pressure in UB7 - West Drayton

On Saturday 2nd December we were made aware of a burst water main on a private pipe on Park Lodge Avenue that left customers with no water or low water pressure.

What has happened

As the burst is on a private main, it’s the responsibility of the managing agent to complete the repair,  however as this was taking some time to resolve, we have assisted in completing the repair.

The repair is complete now and everyone should be on supply, however this may be at a lower than normal pressure as it builds back up through the system.

We’re sorry that this took longer than expected.

What you can do

Until your pressure has restored fully, we advise to avoid using appliances that require a water supply, for example:

  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Electrical appliances that use water

Thank you for your continued patience.

We added this message at 14:00 and we'll remove it after 08:00 Wednesday 6th December


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