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Trade Effluent, Sewerage & Drainage

See who is responsible for your Sewerage

Map of sewerage areas

Our Central region - covers an area which is split between Thames Water and Anglian Water who are the sewerage wholesale. Please use the postcode checker to find which sewerage wholesaler covers your customer's area.

Our East region - covers an area where Anglian Water are the sewerage wholesale.

Our South East region - covers an area where Southern Water are the sewerage wholesaler.

If you need to contact any of these wholesalers in an emergency, please use the numbers below:

Anglian Water - 0345 145 145

Southern Water - 0330 303 0368

Thames Water - 0800 316 9800*

*Please note 0800 numbers are free from UK landlines but may be chargeable from mobiles.

Still not sure who deals with your sewerage?

Use the postcode checker below to find out

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