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Under the Data Protection Act 2018 you have the right to request any personal information we may hold about you.

This form is not mandatory but is designed to speed up the process. Subject Access Requests made in other written formats will be accepted.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Part 1 - Your details

Part 2 - Proof of your identity

Please provide copies of 2 forms of identification from the following lists. 1 from List A and 1 from List B. The copy will be reviewed by our Legal team and securely deleted immediately. The copy will not be held or stored on our records. Please refer to our privacy notice for more detail on how we look after the personal data we hold.

List A

  • Birth Certificate
  • National Identity Card
  • Passport
  • Photo driving licence

List B

  • Bank/Building society statement
  • Council tax bill

Part 3 - Details of personal details requested

To help us process your request quickly and effectively by providing as much detail as possible about the information you require.

Part 4 - Declaration

By completing this form, I certify that details given are to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I understand that it is a criminal offence to obtain or disclose personal information unlawfully or to attempt to do so.


If you are acting on behalf of someone else (please ignore if not applicable) I enclose evidence of my authority to act on their behalf.

I am making this request on behalf of the person whose details are given on this form in my capacity as (choose from the list below):

The information provided in this form will be used to process this request and additionally update your personal details held by us where relevant.

If you have any queries or require any assistance completing this form, please refer to our Privacy Notice or contact us.


Data protection: The information you provide may be used by Affinity Water to provide you with water services, give you information about your water supply and manage your account; including the collection and recovery of charges. We also collect charges on behalf of Thames Water and Anglian Water who provide sewerage services in our supply area. Read our full privacy policy.

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