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Water-less Crystals

What are Water-less

What are Water-less

Water-less crystals can be mixed with your preferred soil to help you save water while giving your plants some TLC.

When mixed with compost, the crystals absorb water and slowly release it to your plants as they need it.

With Water-less crystals, you can reduce how regularly you water your plants without compromising on plant growth.

What are the benefits?


Water-less crystals help reduce the frequency of watering your plants by up to 4 times.

Improve plant

The safe-to-use crystals help the compost structure and reduce fertiliser waste too.

One use lasts
all season

Use in any plant container and the crystals will help you save water for a whole season.

How to use Water-less Crystals

Use Water-less crystals to save water across your whole garden, including hanging baskets, pot plants, grow bags and more. Discover how you can get started with Water-less crystals below:

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Contact us for further support with your
water-saving devices

Tel: 0333 4441059


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