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06 Jan 23

Keith Haslett joins Affinity Water as new CEO

Affinity Water Limited has announced that Keith Haslett has now started his role as CEO of the company, taking over from interim CEO Stuart Ledger.

Keith was previously Water Director at Northumbrian Water and has extensive experience in the sector having previously held senior roles for both Northern Ireland Water and United Utilities.

Stuart Ledger stood down as interim CEO in December after serving five years at Affinity Water, four as Chief Financial Officer and as interim CEO over the last year.

Affinity Water Chair, Ian Tyler, said: “The Board and I would like to welcome Keith to his new role as CEO of Affinity Water. Keith has a deep knowledge and experience of the water industry and has a formidable track record. I believe he will build on the legacy of Stuart’s excellent management and will provide strong leadership through the next price review whilst continuing to deliver improved service to our customers. During his year as Interim CEO, Stuart led a turnaround in company performance, putting the company on a firm foundation to deliver our undertakings in this regulatory period and to prepare for the next. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank him for all he has done and wish him well for the future.”

Affinity Water CEO, Keith Haslett said: “I am delighted to join Affinity Water as Chief Executive, particularly at such an important time in the regulatory period as we head into the next price review. Affinity is a business with huge potential, and I feel that my long track record and deep experience in the industry mean that I can help take the business forward, building on the work Stuart and the team have done so far.”

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