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Please use the checklist below to help find out why you don't have any water.

1. Check for incidents or planned works in your area

View our current incidents & planned works in your area

2. Check the water from your cold kitchen tap

The water supply usually enters your home through the cold kitchen tap. If water is coming out of the kitchen tap but nowhere else in your home, this may indicate an issue with your internal plumbing. We recommend contacting an approved plumber or your landlord to help.

3. Check if your neighbours have the same issue

If your neighbours have water, you may have an internal problem. We recommend contacting an approved plumber or your landlord.

If your property has its own single supply and connection to your water main, please contact us to investigate this further.

4. Check your stop taps are open

Your internal stop tap is normally under the kitchen sink, in the airing cupboard or under the floorboards by the front door. If the tap is closed, turn it anti-clockwise and ensure it is fully open.

Also, check your outside stop tap. If you share your water supply with your neighbours, check to see if they've recently used the outside stop tap.

Find out more about stop taps

5. Check your pipes for trapped air

Trapped air may occur if there has been an interruption to your water supply and your pipes have been drained. This can affect water flowing through your pipes. If this is a result of work carried out at your home, contact your plumber.

We will only consider carrying out internal repairs if we have caused the interruption to your supply.

6. Check for frozen pipes

During cold weather spells it’s important to lag your pipes to avoid them freezing. If you’ve already checked with your neighbours and they do have water, you may need to check any areas of your pipes that aren’t lagged.

If they’re noticeably colder to touch, frosty or there’s a slight bulge in its shape you’ll need to apply gentle indirect heat to the pipe near your stop tap. This can be done with either a warm towel, hot water bottle, or with a hairdryer on a very low setting. This needs to be done from the pipe nearest to your internal stop tap first.

Watch our video on how to deal with frozen pipes

Still need help?

If you're unable to do all of these checks, or if the issue continues for more than 30 minutes, please get in touch as we may be able to help. 

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