Choosing a Self-Lay Provider

Published 08/01/2018 17:03 Updated 08/02/2024 13:04

Can I choose a different provider to lay the new mains on my site?

If your development requires new water mains, you may choose an accredited contractor to do the work rather than requesting for us to do it. This is known as "Self-Lay". We (the water company) will enter into an agreement with you and your chosen self-lay provider to adopt  responsibility for the self-laid pipes once they meet our requirements. You may prefer to use a Self-Lay Provider because they may be able to provide a multi-utility option.

Before a Self-Lay Provider can carry out the work, we need to confirm they have the correct accreditation. This is usually achieved by the self-lay provider being accredited under the Water Industry Registration Scheme (WIRS), which is maintained by Lloyd's Register on behalf of all water utility companies. There is an array of accreditation that companies can apply for and not all of it will suit your development.


Further information:

OFWAT - Self-Lay Market

Code of Practice for the Self-Laying of Water Mains and Services - England and Wales